Module Features
Intake Package
Print intake forms with
client information already completed. Forms include
client information sheet, consent to treatment, release of information, and HIPAA release.
Psychosocial History/Assessment
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The Freeways client assessment window makes defining the goals and needs
of the client easier than ever. The information you enter in the client
assessment is referenced
when completing the treatment plan and progress notes, so you can easily
maintain continuity in treatment. Multiple assessments per client ensure
that the client's progress is kept up to date.
Treatment Plan
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Developing and updating
treatment plans has never been easier. Extensive drop-down lists and
pre-filled selections make treatment plans point and click, with an
extensive treatment library of over 50 substance related problems
including co-occurring disorders.
Discharge Summary
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When a client's treatment
ends, the discharge summary provides a complete description of the
client's progress. The discharge report includes date and reason for
discharge, summary of treatment, progress towards goals, and more.