Hallways4 > Help & Support Center > Documentation Module > Accountability Reports


  Accountability Reports




In addition to the various reports available throughout Hallways, the following reports are available in the Documentation Module:


Program Impact Summary

ReportData.bmpThe Program Impact Summary shows the average student performance levels in the three categories of behavior, achievement, and attendance, as well as the total average. Data is grouped by each month occurring during the specified date range. The report also shows the minimum, maximum and average for each category and the total across all categories.

If the report doesn’t open, there is no data for the selected date range.


Program Impact Summary (Chart)

ReportTrendChart.bmpThe Program Impact Summary Chart is a trend chart, intended to show data over the course of several months. The average student performance levels in all three categories are marked over the course of the specified time period.


Program Impact Data

ReportData.bmpAccessed from the Task Pane in the Documentation window, or from the Documentation menu, the Program Impact Data Report shows the number of evaluations from which the student performance levels were taken. For each category – behavior, achievement, and attendance – the number of records and averages are given, grouped by month.


Student Abilities Summary

ReportData.bmpThe Student Abilities Summary compiles the average scores for all students in the three categories: academic, career development, and personal/social. Data is grouped by month and totaled. The report provides the total and average scores in the three categories as well as the minimum and maximum scores.


Student Abilities Summary (Chart)

ReportTrendChart.bmpThe Student Abilities Summary Chart is a trend chart that compiles the average scores for all students in the three categories: academic, career development, and personal/social. The average student scores in all three categories are marked over the specified time period.


Use of Time Assessment

ReportData.bmpThe Use of Time Assessment report shows the amount of time spent on student services during the specified date range. The number of appointments and hours spent on student services is given in numeric and percentage formats, and is measured against the total number of appointments/hours during the date range.


Use of Time Assessment (Chart)

ReportChart.bmpThe Use of Time Assessment Chart displays, in graph form, the amount of time spent on student services during the specified date range. Appointments are grouped by month.