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Tour > Students Module

Use Hallways to easily create and maintain comprehensive student counseling records. Instantly review a student's appointments, consultations, and referrals right from the student record.  more >>


Student Groups

Create student groups and manage appointments quickly.


Student Evaluations

Evaluate student needs and focus on necessary improvement.


Counseling Plan

Set student goals utilizing the ASCA National Model.

The student record includes a narrative student history/assessment, evaluation, and counseling plan. The student evaluation measures student abilities linked directly to ASCA competencies, and identified problem areas can be added automatically to the student's counseling plan. The student counseling plan also incorporates the ASCA Student Standards, with a complete list of student competencies and indicators, and integrates with student appointments.

A wide variety of reports allow you to document all student interactions, and ensure your counseling records are comprehensive and completely up to date. Student evaluations and counseling plans help you assess student progress as they receive services.


Import Student Data

Use the Hallways Import Utility to import student data directly into Hallways from Excel.



Student demographics help you evaluate the needs of the student population, and know which demographic groups are utilizing services.


Review Interactions

Instantly review student appointments, consultations, and referrals right from the student record.



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Hallways has over 120 reports available to help you document activities and demonstrate the success of your counseling program.  



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