Hallways4 > Support > Students Module > Student History/Assessment
Student History/Assessment |
To access the student history/assessment, click Student History in the Task Pane of the Students window.
Use the dropdown lists to quickly record your assessment in the following areas: Impression of Student
Potential Risk Factors Assess the risk factors involving the student in these areas: Risk of suicide or harm to self Risk of violence to self or others Risk of child abuse involving student Other risk as indicated Family History Describe the student’s childhood family experiences, relationships, issues of family conflict, and strength of support within family. Developmental History Particularly for children and adolescents, describe the student’s physical, social, academic and intellectual history. Socioeconomic History Summarize the student’s current household situation, educational history, employment history and status, financial status and stressors, and social support network. Psychiatric History If the student has previous counseling experiences, psychiatric history, a history of mental health issues, or family mental health history, enter the details here.
Student History/Assessment Report After you’ve entered the above information, click the Print button to print a copy of the report for the student’s record. The Student History/Assessment report contains narratives of the student’s family, developmental, socioeconomic, and psychiatric history. It also contains the counselor’s assessment of the student’s presentation, abilities, and risk factors.