Hallways4 > Support > Students Module > Student Evaluations


  Student Evaluations




The student counseling evaluation describes the counselor’s assessment of the student in the areas described below. Student evaluations are an extremely important tool for tracking student progress, and should be completed at intake and regular intervals, as well as upon discharge.

Student and Services information comes from the student's record Student Performance Levels are assessed in 3 areas Enter the date and evaluation description

Each Student Evaluation consists of:

·        Evaluation Information

Evaluation Date

Description of Evaluation: Select from the list of evaluation descriptions.

·        Student & Services Information, taken from the student's record



Date First Seen: the student’s intake date.

Requested by: the person or program who requested the student receive counseling services.

Reason for Services: The primary reason the student is receiving counseling services.

·        Current Student Performance: Behavior, Achievement, and Attendance

·        Student Abilities Evaluation: Academic, Career Development, and Personal/Social.

·        Summary: Summarize the student’s assessment, particularly keying in on possible areas that reflect the student’s reason for seeking counseling.


Student Evaluation Report

After you’ve created and summarized the evaluation, click the Print button to print a copy for the student’s record. The Student Evaluation Report contains: student performance levels; academic, career, and personal/social abilities; and a summary of the evaluation.


Reviewing Evaluations

To review previous student evaluations, select an evaluation from the list below the student's name on the left of the window.