Hallways4 > Help & Support Center > Students Module > Student Evaluations > Student Abilities
Student Evaluations > Student Abilities |
Student abilities are evaluated in the following areas: Academic, Career Development, and Personal/Social. Within each area, evaluate the level of the student’s abilities on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. It’s important to maintain a consistent application of the scale. The Student Abilities Summary and Student Abilities Report are based on this scale. Changing it after using it will mean that you must update all past student evaluations or your data will be skewed.
If the indicated level equals or is less than the Evaluation Scale, the corresponding competency is automatically added to the student’s counseling plan. If you have not used the Evaluation Scale, or the student’s ability in the area is higher than your scale, you can manually add the related competency to the student’s counseling plan by clicking the button to the right of the level. Academic Abilities Academic Self-Concept Learning Skills School Success Improve Learning Goal Setting School to Life Career Development Needs Career Awareness Employment Readiness Career Information Career Goals Personal/Social Needs Acquire Self Knowledge Acquire Personal Skills Self-Knowledge Application Acquire Personal Safety Skills