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Know how much time you're spending with students.

With Hallways, you'll always know how much time you're spending with students.
Hallways also automatically calculates and displays how much time you're spending on student services, both daily and overall, to help you meet the 80% goal recommended by ASCA.

ASCA recommends that school counselors spend 80 percent or more of their time on student services: either as in-person interactions with students (direct), or on services provided on behalf of students (indirect). Hallways automatically tracks appointments so you'll know instantly if you're meeting the goals set by ASCA.






Order Hallways

Purchase Hallways 5 for just $129.95 per counselor, or take advantage of our multiple user discounts.

Benefits of Hallways

Learn how using Hallways can save you time while providing accountability.

Got Questions?

Email us your questions or comments anytime at hallways@ihatepaperwork.com

Student Services

Always know how much time you're spending with students and directly on their behalf.


Use-of-Time Assessment

Hallways helps you confirm that you're meeting the goals set by ASCA.


Direct Services Report

Know exactly how much time you're spending  directly with students.


Just use Hallways to document your appointments. Entering appointments takes just seconds with the new point and click interface and Outlook-style calendar.

The pre-loaded appointment types are already set up according to ASCA guidelines, so your data is automatically tracked by Hallways.

Hallways also tracks how much time is spent directly with students. Certain appointment types are automatically assigned as direct services to students (face to face), and Hallways displays that information in the main Appointments Management page.


Hallways & ASCA

Hallways integrates ASCA in student records and appointments.


Who's Being Seen?

Hallways can help you understand who is receiving services and why.


Work Smart, Not Hard

Hallways' intuitive workspace and integrated features save you time.


Show Your Success

Show how your counseling program has benefited students.

 Student & Direct Services

 Always know how much time you're spending with students and directly on their behalf.



Student Services

Hallways automatically tracks the amount of time spent on direct and indirect services.

Just record your appointment information, and Hallways automatically calculates and displays how much time you're spending on student services, both daily and overall, to help you meet the 80% goal recommended by ASCA.

Hallways Appointments Module

Use of Time Assessment

Know exactly how much time you spend on student services.

The Use of Time Assessment report shows the amount of time spent on student services during the specified date range. The number of appointments and hours spent on student services is given in numeric and percentage formats, and is measured against the total number of appointments/hours during the date range.

Hallways Documentation Module


Track Direct Services

Hallways automatically tracks how much you spend with students.

Unlike student services, which include some indirect activities, direct services are in-person interactions between the counselor and the student. Hallways automatically calculates and displays how much time you're spending on direct services, both daily and overall.


Direct Services Summary

Show exactly how much time you're spending with students.

The direct services summary report shows the amount of time spent on direct services, both in data and chart form, for any specified date range.

Hallways Documentation Module





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