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Scheduling Recurring Appointments

To schedule recurring appointments, click “Schedule Appointments” on the Appointments menu, or open the Clients window, select the client’s name, and click the “Schedule Appointments” button.

Select the type of appointment you would like to schedule: client session, communication, or task.




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Scheduling Recurring Appointments  


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Deleting Appointments


Did You Know?

You can schedule recurring appointments for any current client.




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Appointment Types


Progress Notes


Billing for a Single Appointment


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Select the appropriate client name, and the appointment type you want to schedule. The client’s preferred appointment time and billing rate will be automatically completed; change if desired. If the type of session selected is billable, Pathways will automatically create a billing record for each session.

Select the start and end dates, then select the days of the week for the appointments. You may select more than one day of the week.

Once you have entered the dates or the date range for the appointments, click the “Build Schedule” button. You’ll see a message box indicating that the temporary schedule has been built:

View the temporary schedule to make any changes to the date, session type, start/end times, or notes for each scheduled session. You can also remove the appointment by clicking the delete button.

When you are satisfied with the appointments, click “Create Appointments” to make them permanent.
Pathways will then add the appointments to your calendar, and you’ll receive a confirmation that the operation has been successful.  




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