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Client History

Access the Client History window from the client’s record or the client intake window.


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Client History



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Lists marked with a blue pencil can be edited by right-clicking the dropdown box and selecting "Edit List."



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New Client Intake


Client History Form


Printing Client History






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Pathways utilizes an integrated client history and assessment. Although not mandatory, completing the client history will give a reference for problems. Many of the areas covered in the client history are integrated with the client assessment and treatment plan.



From the client’s intake, the date of intake, primary reason for seeking services, and intake summary are displayed. This information can be edited. Indicate the name of the person who completed the client history, the relationship to client, and the date on which the history was completed. Add any comments or notes if desired.


If the client indicated that any of the listed stressors are currently experienced, click the appropriate response. >>


Indicate the client’s rating of the severity of each symptom group.


Describe the client's current household, family members, and relationships.


Describe the client's childhood and any developmental challenges.


Describe the client's education, employment, financial, and legal situation.


Indicate if the client has experienced any previous mental health issues or suicidal ideation.

Substance Use

Indicate the client's current or past use of substances.


Describe any significant medical issues experienced by the client, as well as any medications or allergies.


Describe the client's religious affiliation and participation.


Describe the client's recreational activities and social involvement.


Client Assessment



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Pathways Software & Resources | 713.893.7483 | pathways@ihatepaperwork.com


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