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Adding New Clients

To add a new client to Pathways, go to the Clients Window and click the "Add New Client" button. The Client Intake window will open.

Clients Module



Adding New Clients



Reviewing Client Records



Client History



Client Assessment



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Did You Know?

Lists marked with a blue pencil can be edited by right-clicking the dropdown box and selecting "Edit List."



Related Links


Client Intake Forms


Client Contacts


Scheduling Recurring Appointments




Resource Organizations


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Appointments Module

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Recurring Appointments



Resources Module

Resource Organizations

Professional Contacts



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Progress Notes

Cancelled Sessions

Progress Reports



Billing Module

Appointment Receipts

Billing Accounts

Client Invoices


Client Information

Enter the client’s name, address, telephone numbers, and the best time to reach the client.

Intake Information

Date of Intake: Enter the date of intake if different that the current date. Dates should be entered in the MMDDYY format.
Pathways Client & Case Number: Pathways automatically generates a client number, but it can be changed by the user. Client numbers must be unique to each client.
Gender/Marital Status: Select client’s gender and marital status from the dropdown list, or type in another selection.
Date of Birth: Enter the client’s date of birth. Pathways calculates the client’s age, and if the client is a minor, prompts for the parent/guardian name.

Client Contacts

Enter the name and number of the client’s emergency contact. Click “More Contacts” if the client has other contacts involved with their case, such as a caseworker or parole officer. The Client Contacts window will open. Read More >>


Location: Enter the location at which the client usual attends sessions. This will be the default for future appointments.
Preferred Time: Enter the client’s usual or preferred time for sessions. This will be used as the default time for future sessions for the client. This should be in the HH:MM format, with a following designation of AM or PM. For example, 4 PM would be entered as 04:00PM.
Click the schedule button to set up recurring appointments for the client. Read More >>

Billing & Payments

Method of Payment: Select the client’s method of payment from the list of payors.
Usual Billing Rate: Enter the rate at which the client is usually billed, if different from the provider’s usual charge.

Referral and Services

If applicable, indicate who referred the client for services from the list of resource organizations. If no organizations appear on the list, right-click to edit.
Enter the reason for the referral, and the client’s primary reason for attending counseling.


Reviewing Client Records




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Pathways Software & Resources | 713.893.7483 | pathways@ihatepaperwork.com


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